Making the Serious Illness Journey Less Difficult

Discussing serious illness topics with patients and families requires a consistent, simple vocabulary. The earlier patients and families understand where they are medically and what’s likely to come next, the easier it is to move across the continuum of care when appropriate.

Highly-Engaging Educational Videos

These videos explain key topics in a serious illness experience. This includes key decision-making concepts on CPR, DNR, Life Support, and Types of Medical Care as well as understanding the importance of Advance Care Planning, understanding different resources such as Hospice, and reframing how what we hope for can change over time.

Patient or Surrogate Centered

If a patient is unable to participate, a surrogate decision maker can be the Naveon lead for that patient. Either the patient or the surrogate can invite as many others important to them to the platform. This enables consistent message and understanding for everyone, wherever they may be.

Your Customizable Content Library

In addition to the extensive range of Naveon video modules, you are welcome to add your own content, as well as promote your organization’s services and offerings.

How It Works

Whether you choose to provide access through a website or our mobile app, Naveon offers flat fee pricing by care site, allowing unlimited users, patients, and Care Teams to use the platform.

A Low-Cost, High-Impact Solution

Customize & Personalize the Experience

Customize engagements and content to each of your locations, and personalize it to a patient’s condition.

Deliver Consistent Engagement in Less Time

Streamline the process of education, and centralize communication between your Care Team and their patients, saving time and reducing stress.

Discover The Benefits

24x7 Access

Patients can access content whenever they want and from any location.

Support Family Meetings

Care Team members can review videos with families in-person or remotely and then discuss any concerns or questions.

Track Patient Engagement

Unlike written materials, Naveon allows the team to see engagement with each topic.

Ensure Uniform Language

Patients have access to important information in an easy-to-understand format.


“Often times, families dealing with serious illness of a loved one don’t know where to begin. Naveon helps them organize their thoughts and formulate the questions to ask. Naveon has been helpful to prepare them to have those much needed discussions.”

– Anne S., RN, BSN, Pinnacle Palliative

Helping Leading Caregivers Build Deeper Connections

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About Naveon

Naveon is a built-for-purpose patient engagement and education company. For a fraction of the cost of a medical assistant, your practice can deliver consistent and understandable engagement along with education on the most important topics, which leads to better experiences and outcomes for everyone.